
le soldat thomas meaning in English

to the last man (torchwood)


  1. Private Ferdinand Behn was killed instantly, Private Truston Wentworth was mortally wounded and died the following day, Private Thomas Gainor was severely wounded, but recovered.
    Le soldat Ferdinand Behn est tué sur le coup, le soldat Truston Wentworth est mortellement blessé et meurt le lendemain, le soldat Thomas Gainor est gravement blessé, mais récupère.
  2. Private Thomas Evans, 54th Pennsylvania Infantry, shot a Confederate officer rallying the Confederates, battled the color bearer of the 45th Virginia, and captured the flag from him.
    Le soldat Thomas Evans, 54th Pennsylvania Infantry, abat un officier confédéré ralliant les confédérés, se bat avec le porteur des couleurs du 45th Virginia, et lui prend le drapeau.
  3. The regiment also lost its colors, when they were seized by Pvt Thomas Evans, a Welsh immigrant in the 54th Pennsylvania, who would be awarded the Medal of Honor for his actions.
    Le régiment a perdu ses couleurs, quand ils sont saisis par le soldat Thomas Evans, un immigrant gallois du 54th Pennsylvania, qui se voit décerner la médaille d'honneur pour cette action.
  4. The Lancashire branch originated in the 19th century, when Thomas Ferrier (youngest son of Private Thomas Ferrier of the Pembrokeshire Regiment) settled in the area after being stationed near Blackburn during a period of industrial unrest.
    La branche familiale du Lancashire remonte au XIXe siècle, où le soldat Thomas Ferrier, du régiment du Pembrokeshire, s'est établi dans la région après avoir été posté près de Blackburn dans une période de crise industrielle.
  5. corporal simon hornby , liverpool; warrant officer david markland , lancashire; kingsman sean dawson , stalybridge; corporal harvey holmes , hyde; corporal terry webster , chester; lance corporal andrew breeze , manchester; marine steven birdsall , warrington; marine paul warren , preston; sergeant steven darbyshire , wigan; private alex isaac , wirral; private douglas halliday , wallasey; colour sergeant martyn horton , runcorn; private thomas sephton , warrington; sergeant david monkhouse , cumbria; sapper darren foster , carlisle; lance corporal jordan bancroft , burnley; kingsman darren deady , bolton; guardsman christopher davies , st helens.
    le caporal simon hornby , liverpool; l'adjudant david markland , lancashire; le kingsman sean dawson , stalybridge; le caporal harvey holmes , hyde; le caporal terry webster , chester; le vice-caporal andrew breeze , manchester; le marine steven birdsall , warrington; le marine paul warren , preston; le sergent steven darbyshire , wigan; le soldat alex isaac , wirral; le soldat douglas halliday , wallasey; le sergent martyn horton , runcorn; le soldat thomas sephton , warrington; le sergent david monkhouse , cumbria; le sapeur darren foster , carlisle; le vice-caporal jordan bancroft , burnley; le kingsman darren deady , bolton; le guardsman christopher davies , st helens.

Related Words

  1. le soldat rose
  2. le soldat récalcitrant
  3. le soldat yakuza
  4. le solde est nul
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